Interested in Game Testing for a living? I have compiled some frequently asked questions for you in regards to one of the most wanted jobs around.
How Much Can I Make Testing Games?
After a little research I have found that you can reportedly make between $10/hr to $80/hr depending on the manufacturer of the game you are testing.
Why Would a Company Want to Pay Me To Test Their Game?
Because your opinion counts! As a matter of fact, without your opinion these game manufacturers would not be able to take out certain glitches in their game ad make game-playing fun. For example, if you test a game and notice that the main menu is not very user friendly or perhaps even a little strange, they want to know about it now before it hits the shelves.
How Much Can I Work a Week, A Month, A Year?
You can work as much or as little as you want. Once you choose the jobs that you are interesting in taking, the companies that are hiring you will either send you to a local testing center or send the game to your door. It's that simple.
When Do I Get Paid For My Work?
Once your assignment is completed you should get paid promptly. In my research I have noticed that companies only pay out on the 1st and 15th of every month. Make sure you read the fine print before taking on any new jobs.
Are There any Requirements to Becoming a Game Tester?
Yes! You must be 15 years old or older in order to get this type of job.
Do I get to Keep the Games I Test?
Thankfully, most of the companies that send games out to you to test will allow you to keep them. I have noticed that a lot of game testers now have a library of tested games under their belt and in their home as a result of game testing.
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